Hot Yoga Topics > Having Other Teachers in Class

I'm in class on a Friday with new, excited students and two undercover vinyasa teachers. We're about to hit standing balancing series and I notice that I have someone in the corner who is kicking out when her leg is not locked. I tell her specifically multiple times as well as other students in the room that it is simple and very dangerous to just kick out without that perfect balance of your standing leg being engaged. I remind them that this pose is an art and takes time to perfect. The vinyasa teacher ignores me and comes up to me after class and tells me that her and her friend teach.

When we teach we need to maintain control and responsibility for our class. What do we do when we have someone else who will not listen to us? In this case, I just ignored her because I had about ten other students in the room who needed my attention. I did feel that that was impolite of her though.

February 13, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterAlexandriaS

Also, Just because someone is a yoga teacher doesn't mean they know freaking everything, right? That's such a turn off.

February 13, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterAlexandriaS

Alex, its correct for you to correct your students and yes, in your room, you are the teacher and all others are the students. But dont let anything shake you. If a student ignores you, you can insist one more time on "Lock your leg and dont kick out til you do," or ask them to skip the pose ; then happily shift your focus to the rest of your class and have fun with them.

Confrontation in class is never the way, nor should you allow any student to ruin your fun of teaching. After class, in the reception room, gently tell the student that hot yoga has a different form than vinyasa; neither is more valid than the other but in hot yoga, we do the pose this way and we ask that you follow the instructions for your benefit and safety in the hot, humid room.

Rither during or after class, never engage in a back-and-forth debate; if the teacher insists, you can simply repeat this phrase: This is how we instruct the pose in hot yoga and we ask that you follow our instructions." Nicely and with a smile. Always.

Honestly though, other teachers can be the worst students when they insist on being teachers when there is only one teacher leading each class. Good lesson though: when you're a student, enjoy being a student. And always maintain your happiness.

February 13, 2014 | Registered CommenterRhonda Uretzky, E-RYT

Thanks for the feedback ! It definitely wasn't noticeable or an issue at all but it did bring up that concern of what happens if I have a student who wants to do their own thing and how am I supposed to respond? On the other hand, I feel it's very challenging sometimes for people to admit that they don't know everything and that's why they come to a yoga class in the first place.

February 13, 2014 | Registered CommenterAlexandriaS