
The yoga of owning it

I heard a successful entrepreneur speak recently about "Owning" everything in your life. I love that and apply it to own up to that at Riverflow Yoga.

When you walk into Riverflow Yoga, a teacher greets you. Let your To Do List go undone. Take your hair down and unwind. Get into the hot yoga room and get out of your daily grind.

If you have questions or concerns, come to us. We are here to teach you, yes, and to listen and hear your issues about hot yoga (and sometimes about other things). When you are here at Riverflow Yoga, you are our responsibility.

Your Riverflow yoga teacher takes charge so that you can relax. In hot yoga, we guide you step by step through each pose. Even if that means we must lovingly but firmly keep you on track, following the pose instructions when you may want to do something else. Or give up. We will comment and compliment

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Something to Celebrate: Hot Yoga on Major Holidays

Something to celebrate: we are OPEN for hot yoga class on most major holidays!

Yes, we may have only one class that day - and its usually a morning class. So we will most often hold our  9:30 AM class on Memorial Day, July 4, Easter Sunday, Christmas Eve, New Year's Day,  Black Friday after Thanksgiving Day, and more.


Remember hotties - it's just ONE hot yoga class on Memorial Day!

Come early to get in on the (mostly) 9:30AM holiday hot yoga classes at Riverflow Yoga. Bake in hot yoga class before you go to that Memorial Day barbeque or indulge in all the overindulgent treats at the Thanksgiving table, and we'll give you something to celebrate: how GREAT you feel!



Hot Yoga and Migraine Headaches

I don't know if this was my first migraine; All I can say for sure is  that my hot yoga class cured me.

Did Hot Yoga Cure My Migraine?

A full day meeting with clients, then a drive to take my mother to visit with my brother and make a huge effort to ignore their constant circular banter, was at an end at 4:30 - I had plenty of time to get to 6:45 hot yoga. On the ride home it began: the twisting pain that started deep inside my right eye and knotted through my neck and shoulder. Then came the nausea, the sweats...the works. All I could think of was,'Please let me make this drive home without incident...then I have to get to yoga.."

I know this fact, I wrote this story.

It goes something like this: I take on a challenge and, just as I approach the Finish Line, "something happens." I can't possibly make it. And I have a good reason -

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Hot Yoga and Weight Loss

You've heard that hot yoga helps you get the kind of burn you're really looking for - faster, hotter, more powerful weight loss. How does that happen in hot yoga? By engaging your mind, body and spirit in the weight loss process.

Starting with the physical: to be effective, a workout should make you sweat and increase your heart rate. Hot 26 yoga does that and more.

Warm muscles burn fat more easily; your muscles also become more stronger and more supple from practicing Hot 26 yoga. Both these factors aid the weight loss process.

Detoxifying the body and having a healthy circulatory system are known to have a very positive effect on metabolism. This in turn increases the ability of your body to shed weight

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River Road Warrior

The sudden ice storm, unfamiliar to these parts, caused many surprises along River Road.  Driving along slowly, I was detoured by a fallen tree; up the steep slope of Armitage Road,  leveling off onto South Sugan Road, and gently placed back onto River Road much further upstream. From there, my treacherous ride home along the river turned to unexpected serenity. Fog shrouded the long river views, allowing only small peeks at the river before obscuring it again behind a grey-blue haze. I drove along,  playing peek-a-boo with the river and the fog.  The river seemed strong as ever, but this time, silent. I thought of a quote by Ghandi I believe: life is not about increasing your speed. Inhale. Shoulders down from your ears. Nestle your shoulder blades back. Palms open. Tongue on the roof of the mouth. Exhale.  Let go of plans and schemes, calculations and To Do Lists, ticking clocks and clucking tongues. It’s you who created the current of the river that carries you along in your life; now, float.