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Chakra 6 Ajna: Third Eye Open

Ajna: the big picture to live life intuitively

Ajna Chakra opens your psychic faculties. Conceptually, this chakra is about “seeing” the spiritual;  it governs psychic vision, inner knowledge, and inspiration.

Focus: Intuition

Color: Indigo

Seed Sound: Om


Sense Organ: The Eyes

Associated sense: Insight


Essential Oils:

Lemon – cleanses the third eye

Juniper – Helps relieve tension and nervousness, clarifies inner vision

Rosemary – clears your thoughts

Lavender – harmonizes all the chakras, relieves stress and anxiety

Neroli – relieves depression

Geranium – has a harmonizing effect on the mind

Crystals & Gemstones

Amethyst – helps raise spiritual awareness

Tiger’s Eye – helps thread relevant information

Sodalite – frees you from preconceived notions, opens mental horizons

Sugilte – helps maintain our point of view despite pressure or conflict

Azurite – facilitates astral travel

Angelite – facilitates communication with the spiritual realm

Jet – repels nightmares

Selenite – aids in telepathic contact

Incense: Frankincense resin, Sandalwood

Foods: Fasting or other forms of detoxification, consuming water, fruit juices and eating juicy fruits, organic foods, and dark chocolate.

The physical body: governs the eyes, neck, pituitary and pineal glands, forehead, side and back of head and carotid plexus.

Chakra location: Above the eyebrows in the center of the forehead


Ajna chakra is involved in both the creation and perception of art with a powerful impact.

When the third eye is excessive with too much or blocked energy, we experience headaches, hallucinations, nightmares, and difficulty concentrating.

When this chakra is deficient, we have a poor memory, experience eye problems, have difficulty recognizing patterns, and can’t visualize well.

As a yoga teacher, we guide students to focus on a present-moment, fully engaged experience which supports Ajna chakra: no distractractions. After class, profound insights often come because Ajna vision is directed more deeply inside.

Positive images and visualizations in Savasana create a healthy Ajna chakra. Affirmative feelings draw the imagined into your life.

Balanced Characteristics: Strong intuition, ability to visualize and manifest, greater vision of your purpose, creative imagination, good memory, development of psychic gifts, good dream recall.

Hot Yoga Poses that Support Ajna Chakra:


6th chakra (third eye chakra) Anja: You are massaging your pituitary gland, the gland correspondening to your 6th chakra.


6th chakra (third eye chakra) Ajna: massaging your pituitary/pineal gland as you press on it physically and bring circulation to these glands associated with 6th chakra balance.

Janushirasana with Paschimotthanasana 

6th chakra (third eye chakra) Ajna:  massage your pituitary gland, the gland associated with your 6th chakra, as you press forehead to knee.


Meditation for Ajna Chakra


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