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Chakra 7 Sahasrara: The Crowning of Higher Consciousness

The crown chakra is the energetic passageway to the Divine You.

Sahasrara Chakra relates to pure awareness, a oneness with a higher energy; an inner light.

And it is a direct connection to your Inner Guidance (or Inner Genius)

This happens easily when we sleep. It is often during sleep that we receive intuitive messages from the awakened higher consciousness.

And even more powerfully - during meditation

As the center of spirituality and enlightenment,  Sahasrara chakra is about higher consciousness and your highest dreams.

The crown chakra is governed by the pineal gland near the cerebral cortex which is the gland that regulates the sleeping/waking cycles of the body.

Focus: Understanding

Color: Violet or White

Seed Sound: Om

Sense Organ: Cerebral Cortex

Associated sense: Central nervous system

Essential Right: To Know

Essential Oils:

Brahmi Ayurvedic Oil – calms, enhances energy flow of the crown chakra

Lavender – facilitates connection to the spiritual realm, calms central nervous system

Hina Ayurvedic Oil – Strengthens the body and mind, induces mental clarity

Spikenard – helps you connect to the world beyond materialism

Neroli – reconnects you with intuition

Frankincense – links Sahasrara to Muladhara assisting you to stay grounded during meditation


Crystals & Gemstones

Amethyst – connects you to the realm of spirit and transmutes negativity

Angelite – increases telepathic connection with others

Rutilated Quartz – used for channeling angelic wisdom, increases clairvoyance

Herkimar Diamond – enables you to see a much wider picture of your own life

Clear Quartz – increases energy spiritually, harmonizes chakras

Ametrine – enables you to embrace paradox

Kyanite – emanates energies that stimulate the pineal gland activating psychic abilities

Incense: Sandalwood, Cedar, Frankincense Resin, Myhrr Resin, Copal Resin, Juniper

Enlightening Foods: A pure, vegetarian diet; any form of detoxification or fasting.

The physical body: pineal gland, verebral cortex, central nervous system, top of head.

Chakra location: Pineal Gland


Sahasrara chakra is the highest function of the mind

As we thinkg, so we create our lives.

Excessive energy in this chakra appears as being overly intellectual - thinking "too much"

Deficient energy manifests as apathy, spiritual skepticism.


Balanced Characteristics: inner peace, wisdom and presence, a sense of alignment and clarity, the gift of self healing. 


Savasana and other forms of meditation bring this chakra into balance.

Every chakra is being actively balanced and re-energized in Savasana.

When you are completely still in meditation, completely relaxed, your chakras align naturally.

You are actually opening your Seventh Chakra at the crown of your head, and your connection to your higher self flows easily.



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