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How to live ...anything you want

Have you noticed that most people are not living? 

Are you?

After all your schooling, do you now have the money you want, relationships you want, are you as fit and flexible as you'd like? Is your business, career and relationships exhilarating?

Shouldn't they be?

Why do most people not get what they REALLY want?

Most people are not creating their lives deliberately; most are creating it by default. Most of people are settling for good enough, not realizing that "good" is the enemy of great.

But it's not your fault. You learned to face reality before you learned how you are creating it.

And you never attended How To Have A Great Life school

Restart your education now, with these five simple questions...

QUESTION 1 - WHAT do you really want?

The number one reason most people don't get what they want is because they don't ask for what they want

Clarity is empowering.

Pick one area of your life right now and answer: What do you want?

The first key word is "YOU." It's not what your parents wanted or what your family or friends want for you, not what society and the media tells you you should want:

What do you really want in your heart and in your soul?

For example, not everyone wants to be a millionaire. Not everyone wants to travel the world. Not everyone wants to be married.

You are uniquely qualified to answer because only you can feel what feels good to YOU.

The second key question is, What do you want TODAY – based on who you are at this moment. Life is constant movement... and you are in a constant state of change.

What you want now may not be what was so in the past. Your new dreams look different than the old.

Re-evaluate. Don't be afraid to let go of what you used to want, and connnect with what you want now.

It's always the right time. It is in fact the ONLY time. The past is gone. The future has not arrived. Now is the time.

When defining what you want, be specific.

For example:

  • For MoneyWouldnt it be lovely to have $150,000/year net income .
  • For Health: Wouldnt it feel fabulous to shed 15 pounds.
  • For relationships: How great would it be to more time with my kids.

If you can't be specific, be more general:

  • For money:  I would love to feel  abundant
  • For health: I relish the feel of a flexible body
  • For relationships: I am part of a happy community

 There are no wrong answers... only unanswered questions.

CHALLENGE: WHAT DO YOU WANT? - in love, money, relationships, work. Writing helps. But only write what you DO want - not what you have and dont like, what you dont want, or why it might not be possible for you to have your hearts desire.

And here's why:

QUESTION 2 - WHY do you want this?

If the first reason most people don't get what they want is because they don't ask, the second reason is that they don't know WHY they want it.

The Big Why.

Your Bif Why is your reason,  your motivation, your emotions behind what you want.

It is your rocket fuel.

Without fuel, there is not enough energy to achieve what you want.

Most people are fueling what they DONT want with their words by lamenting not having what they DO want.

Author Jim Rohn said, "The bigger the why the easier the how." In other words, when you have a big and important enough reason, the strategy becomes clear.

How big is your Big Why?

  • Why is what you want important to you?
  • What is the pain of not having it? What is it costing you?
  • How will you feel when you get what you want?

Sometimes, answering highlights more the fact that you don't have what you desire. This leads to an emotional response opposite what you want.

Get deep into the feeling of having what you want - take your family on vacations, put your kids through college, or buy the house of your dreams in Bali.

Once you can answer this "Big Why" you are ready for one of the most important questions you will ever ask yourself. 

And get ready to be totally and completely honest.


QUESTION 3 – Why NOT? Why don't you already have it?

When you say you want something that you don't have, there is always a reason why not.

Your are protect yourself from the pain of The Real Reason, the one that brings you straight to the heart of what is stopping you.


Once you admit it, you will need to make changes in order to have what you want.

More fear.

Say you want to earn $200,000 a year, but for the last 10 years you were only earning $50,000.

So why aren't you earning the $200,000 year right now?

"My job only pays about $50,000; I can't make any more than that." You "say" you want to earn $200,000 but you are also saying you Cant.

So you have placed yourself in an impossible position - you want what you say you Cant Have.  Your "why not" has let you "settle" for the problem instead of being open to one of many answers: you may need to make changes. Perhaps a new job or your own business or a different investment portfolio or a mentor.

Are you ready to go even deeper?

Your why not is critical is because there's also a good chance that your "why not" is exactly the same one you use for a lot of things you settle for in your life.

How you do anything is how you do everything.

This same Why Not will show up in your  relationships, your money, your fitness, your free time, your stress and more. 

And once you face your core WHY NOT, you can either get rid of it, or  "act in spite of it."

You are bigger than your fear.

So why doesnt everyone succeed at this?

QUESTION 4 – What's Your Strategy?

If you keep doing what you've always done, you'll keep getting what you've always got.

Let's say you want a successful business AND you also want more free time

Is this possible? Of course. Start with I Can.

Then you may discover a big strategy. Maybe you systemize upiur business so it can run without you, allowing you to expand your income, as well as create more free time.

The combination of abundant money with free time is what most people strive for.

And it's attainable for everyone.

You can "learn" to succeed. You can "learn" to have the life of your dreams and there are people who can help.

By the way, your initial plan or strategy for overcoming your obstacles doesn't have to be perfect.

You are far better off starting out "less than perfect" and correcting as you continue.

You will make mistakes. So what? Correct and continue Keep going and never ever, ever, ever give up; that's the formula for achieving anything you want.

Challenge: What is one action that comes to mind when you ask, "How can I get (this thing I want?) Ask. Let the question marinate and stay open to receiving an answer. This is also known as inspiration. It will come.

This leads to the last question.

QUESTION 5 - What's your next logical step?

Once you have asked, found your Big Why, uncovered your big Why Not, and asked "How can I begin?"   be vigilant: because this next part is where most people never get off the ground.

If you want to take a trip to Brazil, it's great to research the hotels, the weather, the activities and sights to see and costs, to enjoy all the planning - but at some point you actually have to book it.

As physical beings, we love taking action and we feel stuck when we hold back

Think, feel, then act. In that order

"One step in the right direction is worth 100 years of thinking about it."

You just need one single action...one that feels right to you right now and helps you to feel that you are moving towards your Big happiness.

Your first step contains the "Power of Momentum."

"A body in motion will tend to remain in motion and a body at rest will tend to remain at rest.  Until we take that first step, we have a tendency to remain at rest.

Once you take the first step,  now the law of momentum is working for you instead of against you. Now you have momentum on your side.

So what might your first step be?

Now, here's the thing...

We are creatures of habit. And you are simply not in the habit of having the life you want.... yet.

You can read all the books. Attend all the seminars. Watch all the webinars and take notes. But all this only one part.

You NEED one more thing (that every successful and motivated person can leverage)

Support. A coach. A guide.

We are all taught to do it on our own. Depend on no one but yourself. Go it alone.

But we end up feeling disconnected. Lonely. Not living our dreams.

Ask for what you want and surround yourself with those who can guide you.

We like to think that at Riverflow, we offer you the support of a community, as well as an expert coach - a teacher -  to guide you through the steps of a relaxed body and mind in each hot yoga class. Nice Step one.

We also offer Riverflow Hot Yoga Blissful Warrior Teacher Training - more depth, deeper guidance and coaching for your goals in hot yoga and in your life. Accountability Partners, coaches and teachers to help you get there. Because Yoga is not just about poses: it is about living a  lifestyle of happiness and success.

Stop thinking you should be able to "DIY."

Life is just more fun with company.

It has been said that you can measure the quality of your life by the last 5 people you spent time with.

You are the most important person your life. Start living as if you believe in your dreams, with all your heart.

The life you want - and ultimately get - depends on it.

Find out about Riverflow Hot Yoga Blissful Warrior Teacher Training HERE (Limited to 10!)

Because frankly - you deserve it.

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