Entries in hot yoga (40)


How to live ...anything you want

Have you noticed that most people are not living? 

Are you?

After all your schooling, do you now have the money you want, relationships you want, are you as fit and flexible as you'd like? Is your business, career and relationships exhilarating?

Shouldn't they be?

Why do most people not get what they REALLY want?

Most people are not creating their lives deliberately; most are creating it by default. Most of people are settling for good enough, not realizing that "good" is the enemy of great.

But it's not your fault. You learned to face reality before you learned how you are creating it.

And you never attended How To Have A Great Life school

Restart your education now, with these five simple questions...

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Yoga Wars

"I moved a mat—just a tad—to make room and I got, "Did you touch my mat?” from its angry owner. I rolled up my mat, walked through the sea of rubber and left...in tears."

People are getting hotter in hot yoga...and not in a good way

"I attended a packed hot yoga class with a mob of sweaty strangers staring me down. I left more tense than I came in." 

"Hot yoga classes are dominated by bee-yotches.  I will pay $500 to do a one-on-one with an instructor before I set foot in another a crowded yoga environment."

Doesn't sound like the yoga I started practicing 43 years ago.  Yet I hear these stories regularly from students who come to our small community studio, from what I call BIG BOX YOGA STUDIOS: rooms that hold 70+ people and feel more like a circus, only no one is amused.

No doubt about it, hot yoga can be a crowded, sweaty, stinking experience. But does it have to be?

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What can you change about yourself in 30 days?

Hmmmm...what would be truly life changing?

Climbing Mount Everest?  Too cold.

Sailing around the world in a schooner? I'm seasick already.

Biking across the globe? Who can take that time off from work - and then time for recovery?

How about something that will change your life in a month?

Hot yoga for 30 days...what's in it for you?

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Knowing when to hold it, when to fold it, when to let go 

"Push, push, PUSH!"

Your teacher's voice is pushing you into those bends and twists just outside your comfort zone.

Is she pushing you forward or pushing your buttons?

There is a Sanskrit word that describes how to push on: “krama”  which means, "step-by-step."

Step by step is a good mantra for life

But what do you do when you are so overwhelmed with stuff o do that you cannot imagine doing one thing,  one step at time? You eithermulti-task or become paralyzed in place.

How to move forward? Take the next logical step.

That's how it works.  Breathe. Focus. Make a wrong move? Correct and continue.  Struggling? That's what's holding you back.

So what's the trick to balancing yourself, in hot yoga and in life?

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Sweat so Good!

You do it for that delicious mix of warrior accomplishment and complete calm; it's what keeps you coming back to hot yoga. 

Yet you may be blissfully unware of the amazing cellular health you're getting not just from the asanas, but from the sweating you do in hot yoga.

Get ready to get blown away when you hear how deeply and completely healing your regular hot yoga practice is, for every cell in your body.

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