Main | Do your dreams inspire you...or upset you? »

Bucket List or F*%k It List

I don't always get what I want.

After years of practicing yoga, learning karma, understanding law of attraction, my life is still not always a match to what I want.

Why is this?

Knowing what you want is a start;  certainty that it's on its way is essential.
You must stay the course.
That means you must believe in the validity of your desires. You can't fake it. And there's the rub.
Many people say they want to be more flexible, stronger, healthier. But oftentimes, they believe the opposite: thanks to well-meaning parents, friends, and TV reporters, you may now believe that this is the best you can expect: stress is inevitable, exhaustion is part of aging, it's hard to lose weight.

You get what you expect. We all do.

Now you get a choice. You can commit to the life you want, or settle for things as they are. Either you're here to live out your days, or to live into your dreams. Now, not later.

You can have a Bucket list or a  "F*%k It"  list.


I have an accountability partner.

Each week, we each set intentions to each other and then all week we check in to remind and inspire each other to keep our respective dream-of-the-week alive. 

Today she sent me this: "It's time to go bigger."

F*%k it...I got so busy, I had forgotten.

My dream is to go big.

If you're unsure about what you dream about, ask yourself this:

  • How would it feel to have  _____?
  • Am I willing to do what it takes to have this feeling?
  • Is there anything more important?

People say there are more important things in life than being happy....There aren't.

Take a moment to reflect on your happiness and ask how you'll feel when you get all that will make you happy.

Now... stop planning it. Stop figuring out the steps. Start dreaming more

Dream it 'til it feels real.

One of my big dreams is to create a yoga community where people can create their best lives. 

So I started Riverflow Yoga. And yes, we do hot yoga. We also do friendships. We know you by name. We know about your cat and your mother's surgery and your secret goals for yourself. We share your time and your life in a community where you can share your hopes and dreams and find encouragement to live beyond your limitations.

Hot yoga is like that: limitless.

Just when you thought it would be impossible to enjoy a room heated to 105 degrees, when you never thought sweating could make you feel alive, when you thought you'd be too embarrassed to strip down to your tightest shorts and bra do it.

And you love it. Not because hot yoga is "the best yoga." But because you are the best you here. You are the biggest version of yourself. You feel free. You feel release of resistance. You feel like yourself.

And you're not stopping here.

Whatever your dreams are, begin saying, "F*%k it!" to anyone or anything thats stands in your way...even if that obstacle is you.

Your mind can masquerade as the voice of reason, telling you that no one has ever done this before so why should you be able to? Your friends might warn you to weight the pros and cons til you can't feel your dreams anymore. Your family might ask you to consider what might happen if you fail. Your boss may insist that give 110% to your job.

F*%k it.

The only thing that matters is your dream.

Because in the end, that's the reason you're here: to find your way to that things that make you feel alive. And once you get there, you will have other dreams. It's the nature of life to want more, to expand and explore and change and challenge yourself, not for the results (though they are nice!) but for the joy of the journey.

So go bigger. Not to prove yourself but to enjoy yourself. You are already worthy of every dream you have and if you dream it, it already means that this life has the ability to deliver it to you.

But first you have to give up all the reasons why it won't work.

Stop putting things on the Bucket List for later. Do it now.

Because later, you'll see that now was the opportunity, the moment to live the life that was meant to bring to you everything you ever wanted. Big time.



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