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Do your dreams inspire you...or upset you?

  Your dreams are a reality.

When you dream something, you've already created it.

Your dreams and desires go out ahead of you and pave the way to the life you are about to live. Your dreams create your life by virtue of the energy you provide. 

Now what?

To manifest your dreams, you need to pay attention to the one key ingredient completely within your control:

Your feelings.

You need to feel good about your dreams.

You may not realize it, but much of the time you feel badly about them.

You feel pessimistic and uncertain. Guilty. You feel disappointed, worried, even angry.

And the irony: those feelings are your obstacles. They don't match the exhilaration, the joy, the blissful energy of your dreams, and thus, you are not a match to what you want most.

You cannot live what you don't match. Your dreams cannot manifest amidst despair and doubt.

But don't worry; there a simple solution

Realizing your dreams is not about goals, To Do Lists, or actions; it is way simpler...

Your first step is to feel better - just the tiniest bit.

And here's the good news: you do not have feel better about the thing that may feel badly to you just now. In fact, dont even try. You do not benefit from forcing it with empty affirmations that deep down, you don't buy.

You would benefit more from a piece of chocolate just now. That feels genuinely good.

And chocolate - or a walk in the park or petting your dog -  might be the only good-feeling thing available to you from where you stand right now. That's enough.

If you can find a single step ever so slightly away from your negativity, you can pivot in the direction of your big dreams. One step at a time; that's all you need.

Step out of your head and into your heart.

When it comes to your big dreams, stop saying, "I can't" and start feeling and following your heart.
Ignore the excuses. Silence the naysayers. Quiet the voice of reason in your head.
Take those initial baby steps towards whatever feels better in this moment and soon you will find the entire Universe laying a path before you
How do you recognize your path? It FEELS good.


Your dreams are a scientific certainty.

In 1944, physicist Max Planck, the father of quantum theory, discovered a Universal energy that connects everything and everyone. 

He called it The Divine Matrix.

Gregg Braden, author of The Divine Matrix: Bridging Time, Space, Miracles and Belief, explained:
"The Divine Matrix is our world.
It is also everything in our world.
It is us and all that we love, hate, create and experience.
Living in the Divine Matrix,
we are as artists expressing our innermost passions, fears, dreams and desires
through the essence of a mysterious quantum canvas.
But we are the canvas, as well as the images upon the canvas.
We're the paints, as well as the brushes.
In the Divine Matrix, we are the container
Within which all things exist, the bridge between
The creations of our inner and outer worlds,
And the mirror that shows us what we have created.
In the Divine Matrix, you are the seed of the miracle as well as the miracle itself."

This means that you are in charge of your dreams: YOU are the dreamer and you are the dream.
Manifesting your dreams into a life you can see and taste and touch takes Bliss-cipline:  living a daily discipline of following your bliss, or at least, following what feels better  in every moment. No quantum leaps necessary; sometimes a cup of tea and a warm blanket will do.
All ways of feeling better will work - because the feeling is what counts.
You are so close...and getting closer.
Stop resisting. Continue dreaming. Feel good and THEN take action - inspired action that is preceeded by you knowing that this action will indeed make you feel better in this moment.
And this moment is all you need to begin living the future of your dreams.

What do you do when your dreams seem impossible, and you are living the exact opposite in your current reality?

Grab your copy of my personal story, The BLISSFUL WARRIOR: Living the Paradox of Peace and Passion for Today's Empowered Woman

For your Limitless dreams


Reader Comments (2)

This was a great read! I really enjoy living in the" I can have it world"... and I will! Til it comes my way I will enjoy that cup of tea

April 2, 2016 | Registered CommenterBecky

Your cup of tea IS your cup of tea, Becky: it is exactly that moment that opens the door to everything you want. No need to wait for someday: feel it today in every sip you take...because that feeling IS the point

April 4, 2016 | Registered CommenterRhonda Uretzky, E-RYT

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