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Savasana: the oldest, newest antidote for depression.

As if we weren't stressed enough, here's one you probably could have guessed:

it turns out that stress can turn into major depression.

Once again, science imitates Savasana: your relaxation has become a matter of life or stress.

According to this Wall Street Journal article, Stress Starts Up The Machinery of Major Depression

According to ancient yoga, nothing is more life giving than Corpse Pose (Savasana). As I told three student who were lying in Savasana on and off during class last night, there is no such thing as "a pose off:" Savasana IS a pose. As it turns out, perhaps the most valuable one of all.

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    Savasana: the oldest, newest antidote for depression. - BLOG - Hot Yoga for Cool People
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    Savasana: the oldest, newest antidote for depression. - HOT YOGA BLOG - Hot Yoga for Cool People

Reader Comments (5)

I completely agree with this. Under enough stress you just shut down and it takes a lot to say, stop the pity party and change what is happening. It all comes down to coping skills, learning what it takes to bring you out of your funk of stress, anxiety whatever. Very early on we learned that my daughter had high anxiety. I told the doctors I don't need for you to cure her, what I need is for you to help us figure out coping skills that will work for her at such a young age. I know that it will be an on-going thing as she gets older but with coping skills one can get themselves out of the bubble, without you become stuck and it becomes your crutch in life.

June 5, 2014 | Registered CommenterGabbyL

Agreed, Gabby...except for this: " I know that it will be an on-going thing as she gets older..."
Not only does this NOT have to be true, there is no reason it should be except one: that you anticipate it, perhaps even inadvertently expecting it. Your daughter is already whole and healthy, and, with your encouragement that all she needs to do is feel SLIGHTLY better than she does in that moment of despair, and some fun energy-raising games like The Focus Wheel (very age appropriate: kids LOVE games and they get this easily!) she can indeed be in for a life of joyful better feelings.

PS - About the Pity Party: No one leaves the party til they're ready. So as much as you may want her to leave and even tell her to leave, she will only hear you when she's ready...but how lovely for her to know that you are there to guide her to a better feeling place once she decides. And sometimes that's all it takes: someone extending a loving hand to lead you to YOUR promised land.

I have suffered from depression on and off over the years. Most of the time I didnt really even know it! Yoga/meditation/savasana, definitely relieve the stress. It is the medicine for all that ails ya! Mental, physical, spiritual. I cant truly remember feeling as emotionally ok as I do now. When I feel that really good feeling, which I do more and more lately, it reminds of the freedom of being a child. Does it get any better than that?

June 5, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterKim Agabiti

Sometimes I wonder about the "depression" diagnosis: I dont doubt the difficult feelings but when we were kids, didnt we just used to call that "sad?" When did it become a recognized medical diagnosis needing medication vs a recognition of feelings? Ever notice also how the meds for depression can lead to "thought of suicide or homicide?" What?? Maybe its a good idea to find a better feeling thought or have someone help guide you to it gently rather than being forced to it with brain altering chemicals?

Yes yes and YES stress can lead to well.... depressed thoughts and overwhelm you. Been there. I never thought I needed medical diagnosis or egads... meds but I know what I was missing.... hot yoga! I love the challenge of savasana - actually being still not just physically but getting my mind to shut off. It does me good to melt into restoring my mental health.

June 8, 2014 | Registered CommenterHeatherS

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