Entries in relaxation (6)


Tis the Season ....to Relax

It can always be a season of fun, relaxation, love.

 Because you were meant to enjoy life - all of it.

May this guided meditation follow you outside our yoga studio and into many seasons of joy

More simple guided meditations are available for download on our Meditations page on this website


"I suggest you write about something really important..."

An article in The Wall Street Journal on the health benefits of deep breathing was not surprising news to yogis who have advocated this for 1000 years

What shocked me were the responses.

The article begins simply enough:

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Nothing doing!

A  recent study at the University of Virginia showed that most people would rather administer an electric shock to themselves than spend a mere 15 minutes with nothing to do.

What's so horrifying about doing nothing?

Psychologist Tim Wilson of the University of Virginia and his team of researchers asked college students to sit for 15 minutes in a plain room just thinking. He asked them to record how well they concentrated and how much they enjoyed the experience. Most  admitted that they couldn't concentrate; more than half hated it.

No wonder. Most people do with nothing better to do will spin some amazingly awful thoughts, mostly about themselves.

But these students even hated thinking positive; they just didn't like being alone with their own thoughts.

Were these ADD teens with Twitter-fingers? Not at all. The researchers also conducted texperiment with a middle-aged church group. The results? The same.

No one seemed to enjoy their thoughtful moments.

Now comes the shocking news: just how far will people go to avoid doing nothing?

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Savasana: the oldest, newest antidote for depression.

As if we weren't stressed enough, here's one you probably could have guessed:

it turns out that stress can turn into major depression.

Once again, science imitates Savasana: your relaxation has become a matter of life or stress.

According to this Wall Street Journal article, Stress Starts Up The Machinery of Major Depression

According to ancient yoga, nothing is more life giving than Corpse Pose (Savasana). As I told three student who were lying in Savasana on and off during class last night, there is no such thing as "a pose off:" Savasana IS a pose. As it turns out, perhaps the most valuable one of all.


Is your scarcity all in your mind?

Do we suffer from a lack of resources....or lack of imagination?

This beautiful article in the Wall Street Journal echoes what I have always believed in my heart: there is more than enough everything to go around - time, money, clean air, pure water, health, happiness and more.  Furthermore there is no choice - because things are always expanding. 

And I can prove it to you...

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