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Mastering the flow of your life 

Hot yogis are Masters of Bliss

Here are 6 Reasons Why

Reason 1. We go with The Flow

Hot yoga teaches you about your power under all conditions.

You are unfazed by the sweat dripping from your elbows.

Your are unmoved by the Gumbys and Yoga Rock Stars in the room with you.

You are the Source of your calm.

You move into a yoga pose and feel the flow of your life

You are not about the struggle, and ther eis nothing to resist; for you, it is all about ease and flow.

If anyone can find relaxation outside the hot yoga studio, it’s you....

Reason 2. We are warriors and we know there is no war

Hot yogis are warriors: we are focused on squeezing every single benefit from hot yoga. 

We are warriors who do not wage war;

we are committed to bliss. 

Hot yoga feels best when it teaches us something about life:

There is no one out there to fight with

Not even yourself.

Reason 3. We understand balance is not about things being equal

Balance is not just mastering Toe Stand or managing stress; 

it's about having the courage to be off balance,

To push the limits and find yourself someplace new.

You're never too old, too tired or too late to feel the excitement

of balancing on the edge.

And that edge is always expanding.

Reason 4. We fearlessly ignore the opinions of others 

You did hot yoga when your friends called you crazy.

You're still doing it, and now your friend are calling you to ask about it. 

Either way, you didn't care.

Hot yogis are those who do what feels right for them.

Widescale validation is unimportant

Approval is just an illusion.

Those who go first are they're usually called crazy. 

Later, they're called Leaders.

Reason 5. We direct our energy

Pranayama is fondly known as ‘Darth Vader breathing."

Coincidence? Hardly.

Darth Vader made it popular.

But somewhere, in a galaxy far, far away, we did it first.

Inhale, and exhale to feel the rhythm of your own life

Twenty times in Hot Yoga

Countless times afterwards.

Reason 6. We see magic

You came to hot yoga to strengthen your body.

Over time, you strengthened your spirit.

The magic was always inside of you.

Now you feel it everywhere

Even in those who cannot feel it in themselves.

You come to hot yoga to remember and practice the sheer joy

of being who you are.

and in the end, you remember who everyone else, too.





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