Entries in 30 Day Hot Yoga Challenge (4)


How hot is your life? 

You took on a 30 Day Hot Yoga Challenge.

You're tired. Grumpy. Thirsty.

You have a million more productive things you could be doing. Your kids or husband or boyfriend or girlfriend is beginning to complain about how you're "never home anymore." You feel guilty: you should quit, for their sake. After all, they come first. That's just how you are: giving and nurturing. You'll give up for them

Here's why you shouldn't...

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Ah, Fall; Season of Tranformational Hot Yoga Challenges

Ever wonder why the hot yoga challenge is 30 Days?

It takes at least 30 days to change an old habit and replace it with a new one.

In 30 days of hot yoga, what new habits can you expect?

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Give us 30 Days and Hot Yoga will give you... well, what do you want? 

We love it when you guys do a 30 Day Hot Yoga Challenge.

It's one thing for us to tell you how much you can transform your body and your life; it's another to watch it happen. What's even better is having our students write about their hot yoga experiences.

Zero to Yogi in 30 Days - by Jenn P

Not a bad way to look at the 30-day challenge. But honestly, it doesn’t take 30 days. It takes just a moment: that moment in which you set the intention to do something good for yourself, to incorporate hot yoga into your life. Come every day for a month, or just drop in on occasion, but once you’ve made your mind up to do it--wham! Yogi.

Hot yoga seems extreme, right? It’s hard to argue that it isn’t: 90 minutes of pushing yourself to your limits in a 105-degree room? Not for the faint of heart. But it isn’t reserved for the über-athletic or ultra-flexible, either.

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We ARE Family! Sister Sledge does Hot Yoga 

Everyone is a celebrity in hot yoga. And you inspire everyone around you just by showing up.

Right now, we have THREE people on a 30 Day Hot Yoga Challenge

I must confess I have a special admiration for anyone who does the 30 Day Hot Yoga Challenge, but this group of women is amazing: Carly is on her second 30 Day Hot Yoga Challenge; Stephanie has done multiple double-classes (two hot yoga classes in one day); and Jane jumped into a 30 Day Challenge after just 3 hot yoga classes. You hot yoga women ROCK!

And speaking of Rock, Riverflow hot yoga student Kathy Lightfoot is actually Kathy Sledge, lead singer of the R&B group Sister Sledge ("We Are Family"). In May, Oprah Magazine voted Kathy one of the top Ageless Women in America! Meet Kathy in hot yoga class, you'll know why: she is gorgeous, inside and out.

Kathy just started hot yoga this month but she is already hooked, using hot yoga to heal a bum knee and stay young and gorgeous. Way to go, Kathy!

Here's her story, from Oprah Magazine:

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