Entries in hot yoga classes (2)


Yoga Wars

"I moved a mat—just a tad—to make room and I got, "Did you touch my mat?” from its angry owner. I rolled up my mat, walked through the sea of rubber and left...in tears."

People are getting hotter in hot yoga...and not in a good way

"I attended a packed hot yoga class with a mob of sweaty strangers staring me down. I left more tense than I came in." 

"Hot yoga classes are dominated by bee-yotches.  I will pay $500 to do a one-on-one with an instructor before I set foot in another a crowded yoga environment."

Doesn't sound like the yoga I started practicing 43 years ago.  Yet I hear these stories regularly from students who come to our small community studio, from what I call BIG BOX YOGA STUDIOS: rooms that hold 70+ people and feel more like a circus, only no one is amused.

No doubt about it, hot yoga can be a crowded, sweaty, stinking experience. But does it have to be?

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Relax, it's Hot Yoga time.

Next hot yoga class at Riverflow Yoga or anywhere else, consider that you are creating your future.

Quite literally, your focused thoughts become etched into your brain, and finally, written out on the pages of your life story. And never are your thoughts more focused and more relaxed than when you are doing hot yoga.

Hot yoga...relaxing? YES!

Why? Because in hot yoga, your teacher does the thinking. You get a break from the incessant mind chatter during hot yoga, where all you have to do is

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