Entries in yoga studios (1)


Yoga Wars

"I moved a mat—just a tad—to make room and I got, "Did you touch my mat?” from its angry owner. I rolled up my mat, walked through the sea of rubber and left...in tears."

People are getting hotter in hot yoga...and not in a good way

"I attended a packed hot yoga class with a mob of sweaty strangers staring me down. I left more tense than I came in." 

"Hot yoga classes are dominated by bee-yotches.  I will pay $500 to do a one-on-one with an instructor before I set foot in another a crowded yoga environment."

Doesn't sound like the yoga I started practicing 43 years ago.  Yet I hear these stories regularly from students who come to our small community studio, from what I call BIG BOX YOGA STUDIOS: rooms that hold 70+ people and feel more like a circus, only no one is amused.

No doubt about it, hot yoga can be a crowded, sweaty, stinking experience. But does it have to be?

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