Entries in Savasana (2)


Is your scarcity all in your mind?

Do we suffer from a lack of resources....or lack of imagination?

This beautiful article in the Wall Street Journal echoes what I have always believed in my heart: there is more than enough everything to go around - time, money, clean air, pure water, health, happiness and more.  Furthermore there is no choice - because things are always expanding. 

And I can prove it to you...

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Are you going too far in Hot Yoga?

"Only those who risk going too far will ever know how far they can go."

I am choosing to go too far because, far too soon, it will all be over. Ninety years can pass as quickly as 90 minutes.

Hot yoga has prepared me for a breakout.

When I first started hot yoga some 15 years ago, I didnt even realize how hemmed in I was.  I entered the room with my old injuries, ideas, limited beliefs, misconceptions, misunderstandings. In other words, my life thus far.

Hot yoga's instructions were to go for it,  play at 100% (the last time I remembered living at 100% I was a kid playing handball in the schoolyard) Don’t think; do the yoga.

Don't do what you can. Do whatever it takes.

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