Entries in comfort zone (2)


Knowing when to hold it, when to fold it, when to let go 

"Push, push, PUSH!"

Your teacher's voice is pushing you into those bends and twists just outside your comfort zone.

Is she pushing you forward or pushing your buttons?

There is a Sanskrit word that describes how to push on: “krama”  which means, "step-by-step."

Step by step is a good mantra for life

But what do you do when you are so overwhelmed with stuff o do that you cannot imagine doing one thing,  one step at time? You eithermulti-task or become paralyzed in place.

How to move forward? Take the next logical step.

That's how it works.  Breathe. Focus. Make a wrong move? Correct and continue.  Struggling? That's what's holding you back.

So what's the trick to balancing yourself, in hot yoga and in life?

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Are you going too far in Hot Yoga?

"Only those who risk going too far will ever know how far they can go."

I am choosing to go too far because, far too soon, it will all be over. Ninety years can pass as quickly as 90 minutes.

Hot yoga has prepared me for a breakout.

When I first started hot yoga some 15 years ago, I didnt even realize how hemmed in I was.  I entered the room with my old injuries, ideas, limited beliefs, misconceptions, misunderstandings. In other words, my life thus far.

Hot yoga's instructions were to go for it,  play at 100% (the last time I remembered living at 100% I was a kid playing handball in the schoolyard) Don’t think; do the yoga.

Don't do what you can. Do whatever it takes.

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