Entries in pranayama (2)


Mastering the flow of your life 

Hot yogis are Masters of Bliss

Here are 6 Reasons Why

Reason 1. We go with The Flow

Hot yoga teaches you about your power under all conditions.

You are unfazed by the sweat dripping from your elbows.

Your are unmoved by the Gumbys and Yoga Rock Stars in the room with you.

You are the Source of your calm.

You move into a yoga pose and feel the flow of your life

You are not about the struggle, and ther eis nothing to resist; for you, it is all about ease and flow.

If anyone can find relaxation outside the hot yoga studio, it’s you....

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"I suggest you write about something really important..."

An article in The Wall Street Journal on the health benefits of deep breathing was not surprising news to yogis who have advocated this for 1000 years

What shocked me were the responses.

The article begins simply enough:

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