
Knowing when to hold it, when to fold it, when to let go 

"Push, push, PUSH!"

Your teacher's voice is pushing you into those bends and twists just outside your comfort zone.

Is she pushing you forward or pushing your buttons?

There is a Sanskrit word that describes how to push on: “krama”  which means, "step-by-step."

Step by step is a good mantra for life

But what do you do when you are so overwhelmed with stuff o do that you cannot imagine doing one thing,  one step at time? You eithermulti-task or become paralyzed in place.

How to move forward? Take the next logical step.

That's how it works.  Breathe. Focus. Make a wrong move? Correct and continue.  Struggling? That's what's holding you back.

So what's the trick to balancing yourself, in hot yoga and in life?

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Sweat so Good!

You do it for that delicious mix of warrior accomplishment and complete calm; it's what keeps you coming back to hot yoga. 

Yet you may be blissfully unware of the amazing cellular health you're getting not just from the asanas, but from the sweating you do in hot yoga.

Get ready to get blown away when you hear how deeply and completely healing your regular hot yoga practice is, for every cell in your body.

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How to relax about being tight

“I can’t  do yoga – I’m not flexible!”

I hear this complaint a lot from would-be hot yoga students. I try to explain that hot yoga is the antidote to inflexibiity. In fact, the tighter you are the more quickly you may notice the before-and-after of your hot yoga body.

But hot yoga is more than skin deep. 

While you're busy twisting and turning and stretching, yoga is expanding you on many other levels, loosening your mind, for example

Is there such a thing as too tight to do hot yoga? 

If you believe you’re inflexible,  you are likely to think so. Becuase a tight mind is even more painful. So loosen up your old ideas about yourself and come in closer...

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Your Posture, Your Life

Which came first:

your posture or your life?

Posture isn't just how you sit, stand or walk; posture informs your attitude

Can straightening your spine straighten you out?

Can you develop self esteem by standing tall?

Are you more likely to you be confident if you're walking tall?

Instantly. Here's how it works.

Go ahead, try this at home...

  • Wherever you are right now, sit or stand a little taller.
  • Shoulders down, shoulderblades lightly back.
  • Tailbone tucked slightly down and under
  • chin slightly down and back so you feel the back of your neck lift.

Take a deep breath, in through your nose/out through your nose hearing a loud HA resonate in your throat.

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Hydration Part 2: The Electrolyte Balancing Act

Water, water everywhere and drink you must, in hot yoga, especially in summer, particularly on a 30 Day hot yoga Challenge (go Pam, Lori, Megha, Teri!)

But that's only half the hyrdation story.

For intake, the rule of thumb is half your body weight in ounces daily for normal hydration.

But if you do hot yoga, you're not normal. So how much water is enough? And is there such a thing as too much?

Turns out - there is. As well as a simple fix for balancing it all out.

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