
Hot Yoga Hydration Part 1: Mixing oil and water

It's summer and the heat is on.

The thermostat and humidistat may read a steady 105 and 45% but relative humidity makes you sweat a lot more now. Is it inevitable to feel super hot, lethargic, headachey in hot yoga summer class?

Not at all.

The Remedy: HYDRATE... HYDRATE... HYDRATE... and now there are more ways than ever to stay wet.

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Savasana: the oldest, newest antidote for depression.

As if we weren't stressed enough, here's one you probably could have guessed:

it turns out that stress can turn into major depression.

Once again, science imitates Savasana: your relaxation has become a matter of life or stress.

According to this Wall Street Journal article, Stress Starts Up The Machinery of Major Depression

According to ancient yoga, nothing is more life giving than Corpse Pose (Savasana). As I told three student who were lying in Savasana on and off during class last night, there is no such thing as "a pose off:" Savasana IS a pose. As it turns out, perhaps the most valuable one of all.


Going with your Gut

I am sitting here eating a decadently delicious dark chocolate peanut butter cup and sipping black coffee, and I feel vindicated.

Get ready to have everything learned about your diet blown to bits by this latest big, fat surprise:

Fat is good for you.

In this meaty article, FAT RECONSIDERED in The Wall Street Journal, it turns out that not only was everything the diet moguls told us about fats incorrect - that red meat, butter, cheese and other fatty foods cause heart disease - but turns out they knew it all along.

There never was proof that fatty foods led to heart disease; instead, "personal ambition, bad science, politics and bias derailed nutrition policy over the past half-century." If that's not your entire lifetime, it's pretty close.  So...what now?

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Is your scarcity all in your mind?

Do we suffer from a lack of resources....or lack of imagination?

This beautiful article in the Wall Street Journal echoes what I have always believed in my heart: there is more than enough everything to go around - time, money, clean air, pure water, health, happiness and more.  Furthermore there is no choice - because things are always expanding. 

And I can prove it to you...

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Your Eulogy...or your life?

Everyone has written a resume, but if you were asked to write your own eulogy, what would it say?

Would you rather live your resume or your eulogy?

I did this exercise for a seminar I attended awhile back: I wrote my own eulogy, describing in detail the things I'd want to be remembered for.

And interestingly enough, it looked completely different from my resume....

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